2017 ISTE Outstanding Young Educator Award Application (video script)

This was the script I created for my video application for the ISTE Outstanding Young Educator Award. I received the award that year 🙂

In this video, I answer the question: “What role do you believe technology plays in making a positive difference in learning and teaching?

I follow the vision of subordinating teaching to learning. Teaching doesn’t guarantee learning! As a matter of fact, poor teaching can prevent or delay learning so, one of the aims of MEANINGFUL, RELEVANT and EFFECTIVE tech integration is to create the conditions where self-directed learning can happen and sometimes those conditions are “low tech”.

Part of my routine is to question the word “technology” and rethink how it should be integrated keeping in mind my purpose: Learners reaching their full potential.

When it comes to teaching French, I do not use the “listen and repeat” model, I strive to amplify my students’ VOICE because learning is a creative process not a consumer one! I engage them in a trial and error process, provide feedback and generate iterations.

In this pedagogical context, tech can play an incredible role in making learning VISIBLE and TANGIBLE, in being an ACCELERATOR of learning and a POSSIBILITY for all students to express themselves and SHARE their stories.

We have been in the 21st century for quite a while now. We cannot deny the world around us! Sure, we are “TECH USERS” but beyond screens and tools, we need to develop a tinkering mindset and navigate the world with meaning.

Engagement is not enough, we need to be empowered to feel in control of our learning, creative in designing and sharing experiences, Investigators and inquirers in researching, analyzing and questioning “glocal” communicators and collaborators interacting with people here and there by unleashing the powers of social media, citizens who take action today to remain safe, care for others and develop a positive footprint.

We need to shoot for the moon in education!

Technology can only impact the teaching and learning positively when the educators & learners are driven by a PURPOSE.

Thank you!

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